Our Services
Cosmetic dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry provides a variety of treatment options if you want to improve your smile. Cosmetic dentistry encompasses a wide variety of treatments that work together to improve your smile, whether you have a chipped, broken, or discolored tooth. There's no better time to start working on your dental goals if you've been putting them off. Your dentist may analyze your smile and discuss the best options for you to take each step toward a more confident smile, from porcelain veneers to tooth bonding. A personalized plan can be created for you to see the procedures that are recommended.
A veneer is a thin porcelain shell which is used to restore the aesthetic of a tooth. Porcelain veneers are commonly used to fix discolored, misaligned, or broken teeth. Veneers also can be used to cover several teeth to improve your overall smile. Veneers are often carried out in two visits and will give you a completely new smile. With proper maintenance and upkeep, the material utilized is quite sturdy and will endure for many years.
Teeth Whitening:
We also have a very quick and effective whitening option. You might have a markedly whiter smile after about one visit. Professional whitening in the office is both safe and effective. After applying a whitening gel to your teeth, a special light is shone on your smile to speed up the whitening process. Your smile can be shades brighter within an hour, and years of stains can be rectified.